SpacePy - A Python-based Library of Tools for the Space Sciences
Steven K. Morley
Daniel T. Welling
Josef Koller
Brian A. Larsen
Michael G. Henderson
Jonathan Niehof
Space science deals with the bodies within the solar system and the
interplanetary medium; the primary focus is on atmospheres and above—at Earth the short timescale variation in the the geomagnetic field, the Van
Allen radiation belts and the deposition of energy into the upper atmosphere
are key areas of investigation.
SpacePy is a package for Python, targeted at the space sciences, that aims
to make basic data analysis, modeling and visualization easier. It builds on
the capabilities of the well-known NumPy and matplotlib
packages. Publication quality output direct from analyses is emphasized. The
SpacePy project seeks to promote accurate and open research standards by
providing an open environment for code development. In the space physics
community there has long been a significant reliance on proprietary
languages that restrict free transfer of data and reproducibility of
results. By providing a comprehensive library of widely-used analysis and
visualization tools in a free, modern and intuitive language, we hope that
this reliance will be diminished for non-commercial users.
SpacePy includes implementations of widely used empirical models,
statistical techniques used frequently in space science (e.g. superposed
epoch analysis), and interfaces to advanced tools such as electron drift
shell calculations for radiation belt studies. SpacePy also provides
analysis and visualization tools for components of the Space Weather
Modeling Framework including streamline tracing in vector fields. Further
development is currently underway. External libraries, which include
well-known magnetic field models, high-precision time conversions and
coordinate transformations are accessed from Python using ctypes and
f2py. The rest of the tools have been implemented directly in Python.
The provision of open-source tools to perform common tasks will provide
openness in the analysis methods employed in scientific studies and will
give access to advanced tools to all space scientists, currently
distribution is limited to non-commercial use.
astronomy, atmospheric science, space weather, visualization