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librosa: Audio and Music Signal Analysis in Python

Brian McFee
Center for Data Science, New York University
Music and Audio Research Laboratory, New York University

Colin Raffel
LabROSA, Columbia University

Dawen Liang
LabROSA, Columbia University

Daniel P.W. Ellis
LabROSA, Columbia University

Matt McVicar
Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol

Eric Battenberg
Silicon Valley AI Lab, Baidu, Inc.

Oriol Nieto
Music and Audio Research Laboratory, New York University


This document describes version 0.4.0 of librosa: a Python package for audio and music signal processing. At a high level, librosa provides implementations of a variety of common functions used throughout the field of music information retrieval. In this document, a brief overview of the library's functionality is provided, along with explanations of the design goals, software development practices, and notational conventions.


audio, music, signal processing



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