Functional Uncertainty Constrained by Law and Experiment
Andrew M. Fraser
Stephen A. Andrews
Many physical processes are modeled by unspecified functions.
Here, we introduce the F\_UNCLE project which uses the Python
ecosystem of scientific software to develop and explore techniques
for estimating such unknown functions and our uncertainty about
them. The work provides ideas for quantifying uncertainty about
functions given the constraints of both laws governing the
function's behavior and experimental data. We present an analysis
of pressure as a function of volume for the gases produced by
detonating an imaginary explosive, estimating a best pressure
function and using estimates of Fisher information to quantify
how well a collection of experiments constrains uncertainty about
the function. A need to model particular physical processes has
driven our work on the project, and we conclude with a plot from
such a process.
python, uncertainty quantification, Bayesian inference, convex optimization, reproducible research, function estimation, equation of state, inverse problems