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Coding sprints

The sprints are working sessions during which some developers of the different scientific-related projects meet to do collaborative programming.

Please see the IRC log from the first day for an idea of what folks were discussing.

NumPy Sprint Topics

  • Documentation (see Stefan vdW)
  • Test coverage
  • memmap
  • parse c structure syntax to dtype
  • ctypes -> dtypes
  • ufunc threading optimizations

SciPy Sprint Topics

  • Documentation
  • sphinx for scipy
  • lyx/latex to sphinx
  • plastex? python latex to rest converter
  • Test coverage
  • warnings in scipy.test()
  • scipy.interpolation
  • statistics review month
  • matlab/netcdf/hdf? etc...

MayaVi Sprint Topics

  • Write readers for your data?
  • Finish the data visualization wizard that Gael started
  • Help with improving persistence (HARD)
  • Improve testing infrastructure
  • Merging the new dataset_manager and Daryl Harrison’s Field Operations filter
  • Polishing the UI
  • Writing more docs