Accepted Paper Slides
- Treating gridded geospatial data as point data to simplify analytics, Christine Smit, and Hailiang Zhang, and Mahabaleshwara Hegde, and Faith Giguere, and Long Pham
- Arkouda: Terascale Data Science at Interactive Rates, Benjamin Albrecht, and Michael Merrill, and William Reus, and Brad Chamberlain
- Boost-histogram: High-Performance Histograms as Objects, Henry Schreiner, and Hans Dembinski, and Jim Pivarski, and Shuo Liu
- Open-source bioimage analysis software to accelerate drug discovery, Anne Carpenter
- cuSignal - GPU Accelerating SciPy Signal with Numba and CuPy, Adam Thompson, and Matt Nicely, and Graham Markall, and Brad Rees
- Frictionless Data for Reproducible Biology, Lilly Winfree
- Interactive Supercomputing with Jupyter at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, Rollin Thomas, and Shane Canon, and Shreyas Cholia, and Matt Henderson, and Kelly Rowland, and Jon Hays, and William Krinsman, and Justin Ley, and Labanya Mukhopadhyay, and Trevor Slaton
- Project Mjolnir: A Modular, Open-source Platform for Developing Scientific IoT Sensor Networks, C.A.M. Gerlach
- Pandera: Statistical Data Validation of Pandas Dataframes, Niels Bantilan
- Molecular infrastructure for modeling viruses with pythonic-mediated packages: pyF4all, Horacio V. Guzman
- pyhf: a pure Python statistical fitting library with tensors and autograd, Matthew Feickert
- Bringing GPU Support to Datashader: A RAPIDS Case Study, Jon Mease
- Learning from evolving data streams, Jacob Montiel
- Spatial Algorithms at Scale with spatialpandas, Dharhas Pothina, and Kim Pevey, and Adam Lewis
Accepted Posters
- Decentralized, Deterministic Robot Swarm Control using Blob Methods for PDEs, Matt Haberland, and Katy Craig, and Karthik Elamvazhuthi, and Olga Turanova
SciPy Tools Plenaries
- HoloViz: What's new and what's next, James A. Bednar
- SciPy Tools Plenary on Matplotlib, Elliott Sales de Andrade
- SciPy Tools Plenary on Numba, Siu Kwan Lam
Lightning Talks
- Building an AutoML System for Fun and Non-profit, Niels Bantilan