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Proceedings of the 22nd Python in Science Conference (SciPy 2023)

Meghann Agarwal, Chris Calloway, Dillon Niederhut

July 10 - July 16

Austin, Texas


Organizers | Posters and Slides | Sponsored Students


Using Blosc2 NDim As A Fast Explorer Of The Milky Way (Or Any Other NDim Dataset) 1
Project Blosc, Francesc Alted, Marta Iborra, Oscar Guiñón, David Ibáñez, Sergio Barrachina

Python Array API Standard: Toward Array Interoperability in the Scientific Python Ecosystem 8
Aaron Meurer, Athan Reines, Ralf Gommers, Yao-Lung L. Fang, John Kirkham, Matthew Barber, Stephan Hoyer, Andreas Müller, Sheng Zha, Saul Shanabrook, Stephannie Jiménez Gacha, Mario Lezcano-Casado, Thomas J. Fan, Tyler Reddy, Alexandre Passos, Hyukjin Kwon, Travis Oliphant, Consortium for Python Data API Standards

A Modified Strassen Algorithm to Accelerate Numpy Large Matrix Multiplication with Integer Entries 18
Anthony Breitzman

An Accessible Python based Author Identification Process 24
Anthony Breitzman

Biomolecular Crystallographic Computing with Jupyter 32
Blaine H. M. Mooers

Bayesian Statistics with Python, No Resampling Necessary 40
Charles Lindsey

Using Numba for GPU acceleration of Neutron Beamline Digital Twins 46
Coleman J. Kendrick, Jiao Y. Y. Lin, Garrett E. Granroth

EEG-to-fMRI Neuroimaging Cross Modal Synthesis in Python 53
David Calhas

vak: a neural network framework for researchers studying animal acoustic communication 59
David Nicholson, Yarden Cohen

Emukit: A Python toolkit for decision making under uncertainty 68
Andrei Paleyes, Maren Mahsereci, Neil D. Lawrence

MDAKits: A Framework for FAIR-Compliant Molecular Simulation Analysis 76
Irfan Alibay, Lily Wang, Fiona Naughton, Ian Kenney, Jonathan Barnoud, Richard J Gowers, Oliver Beckstein

The Pandata Scalable Open-Source Analysis Stack 85
James A. Bednar, Martin Durant

Spatial Microsimulation and Activity Allocation in Python: An Update on the Likeness Toolkit 93
Joseph V. Tuccillo, James D. Gaboardi

itk-elastix: Medical image registration in Python 101
Konstantinos Ntatsis, Niels Dekker, Viktor van der Valk, Tom Birdsong, Dženan Zukić, Stefan Klein, Marius Staring, Matthew McCormick

PyQtGraph - High Performance Visualization for All Platforms 106
Ognyan Moore, Nathan Jessurun, Martin Chase, Nils Nemitz, Luke Campagnola

aPhyloGeo-Covid: A Web Interface for Reproducible Phylogeographic Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Variation using Neo4j and Snakemake 114
Wanlin Li, Nadia Tahiri

Pandera: Going Beyond Pandas Data Validation 124
Niels Bantilan

libyt: a Tool for Parallel In Situ Analysis with yt 130
Shin-Rong Tsai, Hsi-Yu Schive, Matthew J. Turk

Data Reduction Network 136
Haoyin Xu, Haw-minn Lu, José Unpingco